I was browsing through past copies of my newsletter and came upon this, from a 2008 Yoga In Islandia newsletter, which may be of interest to you:
"2008 offers us a wonderful opportunity to achieve all that we fell short of last year – did you plan to be faithful in your Yoga practice? I have been practicing Yoga for over 30 years – teaching it for over 20 years. People remark how young I look for my 83 years – and I will have to credit my Yoga practice. I just returned from a 14-day Tour of Turkey with Pacha Tours, and for the first time I was not the oldest one in a group! There was a retired French Teacher, Renee, who was 86! So, if you want to trek around the mountains and caverns of Turkey in winter – practice your Yoga!"
So, I am now 94 -- still practicing and teaching Yoga. It's never too late to get on your mat and do your leg lifts!
We meditate in group, experience crystal bowl vibrations, listen to brief Patanjali reading. Open discussion. Break for wholesome snacks, personal stories and sharing. It's Free. Bring a friend.
RSVP: (631) 234-4747.