As many of my readers know, I have been an activist in the Women's Movement since the 1970 Women's March in New York City -- my chosen spiritual name,
when I completed my Advanced Yoga Teacher Training at the Sivananda Yoga Retreat in the Bahamas, was no accident. On November 21, 2015, The New York State National Organization for Women (NOW) gave me their
"Unstoppable Feminist Award"
at Mercy College, Westchester. My acceptance remarks are posted on the VFA website:
www.vfa.us. I am on the National Board of Veteran Feminists of America.
One of my Yoga students,
Donna Charielle,
was recently a guest in my home, and through her observations and experiencing the rhythm of our home, was moved to write a poem, which is posted on my website -- click on Poetry --
"How to Live Well Past 90"
-- I turned
on November 14 --
I'm a Scorpio!
Note: If any reader wants to start a class that accommodates their work or personal schedule and can bring with them one or two students, call me at 631-234-4747.
Monday night: 6:00 to 7:30 pm
Tuesday night: 6:00 to 7:30 pm
Wednesday morning at 7:30 am
For new students, your first class is FREE!
Note: Private instruction in studio or your home/office, call me 631-234-4747.
FULL MOON MEDITATION - Mark Your Calendars Now: 6 to 8 pm
Saturday - January 23
Sunday - February 21
Sunday - March 20
I wish you good health, good friends and good times!
Grace - Durga