Healing time is about six weeks, so for the next two and a half to three months I am cancelling all Yoga classes.
I must urge you to be faithful in your daily Yoga practice, so that as you age, you can maintain flexibility and strength. My philosophy is: one day at a time, and be mindful of where you put your feet.
My Yoga and Meditation students have been wonderful with their help: covered dishes, personal visits, phone calls, cards, flowers, advice, shopping. Many of you have met my daughter, Jean, who is a Teacher of TM, Transcendental Meditation, and lives with me. (It was she who advised me to learn Yoga for my sciatic lower back pain 50 years ago!) Best advice! And, I am a TM meditator, too!
So, dear friends and students, be resolute in your personal practice; and you will be rewarded many-fold.
Grace -- Durga